Molecular Mechanism of Pathogen-Induced plant plasma membrane damage

Several phytopathogens attack plant tissues by secreting necrosis- and ethylene-inducing peptide 1 (Nep1)-like proteins (NLPs). NLPs are widespread among many microorganisms infecting lots of important crops with a large economic burden. NLPs induce plant plasma membrane damage and cell death in eudicot plants by an unclear mechanism, being an an amenable target to neutralize NLP-induced plant necrosis.

Aim of this project is to alleviate NLP toxicity by understanding the mechanism of membrane damage and develop biocompatible strategies to contrast their action. These could be used to prevent crop loss of a variety of important food types. This project is in collaboration with Prof. G. Anderluh, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Key publications

Pirc, K. et al. Nep1-like proteins as a target for plant pathogen control. PLoS Pathog. 17, (2021).